Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Struggle

Norway has two main stream beliefs that are in combat with one another. Both of these beliefs are quite prevalent when people are making every day decisions as well as in the thought processes of the government itself!

The first, is humanism to a blatant extreme. Human-Etisk Forbund - or the world wide association for humanism and it's practices - is prevalent in and around Oslo, the capital of Norway. Human-Etisk has about 78,000 members, considering that the whole country of Norway only consists of five million people, this is quite a lot. The Humanist Association isn't quietly gaining members one by one. They aren't sitting around on their hands hoping people come. They are actively targeting the youth of Norway with attractive buzz words and influential people.

On Human-Etisk Forbund's website they declare that most of their members are politicians, school and university teachers, counselors and other influential people, as well as having some farmers and businessmen sprinkled in there. Basically, Norway's youth is being bombarded at school, in the media, and sometimes even at home with the humanistic ideas that the Association promotes. 

Some of the activities that Human-Etisk Forbund promotes are: religion free weddings, funerals, baby dedications - they welcome the child into the world with a humanistic certificate - confirmations (in which a fourteen year-old goes through a course that outlines the humanistic values and freedom from religion, that the teen is dedicating their life to follow), and Youth meetings (like one would have at church, except instead of disusing the Bible, they are disusing humanistic ideas.)

Although, Human-Etisk Forbund is actively trying to gain new members, the Christians aren't just standing by letting this happen. They are one of the top most sending the world! And they aren't ignoring their own people either!

Over the last several years the Christian Church has been exploding into a ministry that sends out missionaries into all parts of the world. In this small country there are over 14,000 missionary centers. Not only is Norway's churches expanding into the rest of the world, but in 2000 they had a goal to plant 500 new churches in Norway.

The Christians are striving to reach the lost of the drug invested Oslo, the home of the Human-Etisk Forbund. Sending missionaries and help into their own capital to combat the corruption of individual's lives in the only long term way...helping them find the help they need in Christ!

In the Norwegian Government, Christians and Non-Christians alike are trying to pass a movement and partner with other countries in the world to help religious minorities be free from persecution. Even though Christianity is one of the most widespread religions, their focus is going to be helping Christians. Norway recognizes how horrible and widespread the persecution is and they want to help.

I pray that other countries will partner with Norway and learn from it's example to give awareness and aid to Christians in the world that need their support.

These two strong contrasting beliefs are battling for Norway's people. The darkness is spreading, but just as fast - if not faster - God is using this little country to send out His light around the world!

I encourage you to pray for Norway - and the rest of the world - during this time of spiritual battle, for battle it is. Perhaps, become more aware of how you can help your countr
y see God's light and love!

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